Friday, August 31, 2007

Cousin Conundrum

Whilst visiting Grandma-D one sunny Saturday, Sage happened upon a totally rad fountain.

Uncle Ryan showed him how to make a wish by throwing a coin into the water,

and then stingily retrieved it.

Sage figured now was his opportunity to strike it rich...
unfortunately, his older cousins were already on it.

Sage dragged Abby away from his fortune,
but while Sage's attention was diverted, Asher J plunged his little hands into the overly-chlorinated water.


He may not be rich, but he's got a lot of heart...

... and wickedly good looks!!

Oh, and he's got some pretty awesome cousins to boot!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Backyard Adventures

One lovely Southern California afternoon (more than a few months ago), Sage decided to help G-G-ma water the yard.
As you can see, this was histerical to G-G-ma, but it got even better when Sage took matters into his own hands.

Even household chores become an adventure when Sage is around.