
'Twas my first ever Christmas, when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
So I cooed and I coughed and my cry I did blare,
In hopes that my parents soon would be there;
No longer nestled all snug in their beds,
My parents were holding their poor throbbing heads;
So my screams I abated to lighten the mood,
Once Mom and Dad arrived to check on their dude;
As I lifted my head, the laughter caused such a clatter,
I looked in the mirror to see what was the matter,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a foof the size of Mt. Rainier;
"What a Christmas disaster," I grumbled and moaned,
Then hastened to search through some things that I owned;
"This ribbon is perfect," I chortled and clacked,
"From my extral large foof it will surely detract."

But detract it did not, the ribbon had to go,
So I said good-bye to my Rambo-like bow;
Time for the big guns, the foof must meet its end,
I couldn't do it alone, so I called in my friends;
"Now! Redken, now! Pantene, now! Suave, and Nexxus!
On! Paul Mitchell, on! Dep, on! Dove, and Tres Flores!
Fix my hair quickly, make speed and make haste,
This foof cannot win, I will not be disgraced!"
And then, in a twinkling, my friends finished their task,
I turned to my parents, their opinion to ask;
They sniggered and sneered, their faces a gawk,
Apparently amused by my trendy faux-hawk;

"Bah humbug," I snarled, "No more Christmas for me!
Clearly this holiday was not meant to be!"
Then I pouted and sulked, in the corner I sat,
When I noticed a fuzzy red Santa hat;
"If I can't tame my foof, I'll cover it instead!"
And I tugged the cap onto my rather large head;
I was jolly once again, to everyone's delight, so